Southwest Landscape Investigations
Southwest Landscape Investigations
1998 The Dartmoor Tin Industry: A Field Guide (Newton Abbot: Chercombe).
2006 ‘Tinworking and the Landscape of Medieval Devon c.1150 – 1700’, in Turner, S (ed) Medieval Devon and Cornwall: Shaping an Ancient Countryside (Macclesfield: Windgather).
2011The Field Archaeology of Dartmoor (Swindon: EH Research Monograph).
Journal Articles
1994 ‘Tinners and tenants on south-west Dartmoor: A case study in landscape history' Rep Trans Devonshire Ass126, 199-238.
1995 'Week Ford Tin Mills, Dartmoor’ 'Proc Devon Archaeol Soc 51, 185-98.
1996 'Recording the Tinworks of Dartmoor Forest' Mining History13.2.
1999 ‘Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine' Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc. 57, 105-48.
2003 ‘Druid Mine, Ashburton' Rep. Trans. Devonshire Ass. 135, 173-218.
2006 'Recording Dartmoor’ s Extractive Industries’ Industrial Arch. Review 29.
2022 'Lifton Wood Hilltop Enclosure: an earthwork survey' Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc. 80, 135-46.
Jointly Authored
1994 with T Greeves: 'Tin working and land Use in the Walkham Valley: a Preliminary Analysis' Proc Devon Archaeol Soc 52, 199-220.
2003 with J Salvatore: ‘A Second World War Coast Battery at Battery Gardens Brixham' Proc Devon Archaeol Soc 61, 209-33
2011 with T Greeves: The Great Courts of Devon Tinners 1510 and 1710. DTRG Occasional Publication 2
2017 The Tinworking Landscape of Dartmoor in a European Context. Papers presented at a conference in Tavistock Devon 6-11May 2016 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DTRG. (Edited by Phil Newman).